
Celebrate Earth Day by appropriately disposing of prescription drugs

Celebrate history and entrepreneurship Saturday, March 4

Save the date: April 13 for a talk about the Chesapeake Bay

Feb. 23: Marine science and regulation, VIMS lecture

April 22: HHW and electronic waste collection in Northumberland County

Physical and online outreach outlets

March 25: Lancaster Co. household hazardous and electronic waste collection

Updated: Upcoming Potomac River Fisheries Commission meetings

Environmental news (Feb 13)

Open air burn restriction starts February 15

Nominate lakes, streams, and rivers of Virginia for DEQ water quality monitoring

Medicaid recertifications start in April

Feb 17-20: The Great Backyard Bird Count

Feb. 27 event: Science to Support Management of a Fishery with Competing Interests: The Atlantic Menhaden Story

RCC schedules virtual information session for HS seniors on life after high school

The little menhaden are a pretty big deal

An interesting thought experiment: How would you spend $1m-$1b on the NNK to benefit the most people?

Several takes on public policy in rural America

Learn how to avoid scams and fraud at TRIAD event Feb. 16