The Town of Kilmarnock has announced that a farmers market is coming to town. The Farmers Market at Town Centre Park
is a traditional farm to table and bay to table market. The vision of this market is to create a place where fresh items from the farms and bay are available for our community by our community.
The markets will be held the 4th Saturday of each month, starting in May and running until October. The market is still looking for vendors who sell the highest qualities of meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, bakery items and farmers market worthy products. At this time, the market is not looking for resale items and/or arts and crafts.
Free tax preparation is available at Lancaster Community Library starting February 17. Services provided on Wednesdays and Saturdays from Noon to 4:00 pm.
Bay Aging recently announced it is a Housing Rehabilitation Expert (PDF). According to Bay Aging's Board Notes, "As part of the Town of White Stone's Neighborhood Improvement Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project, reconstruction/rehabilitation work was completed on five homes and there are four more homes in the bidding out process."
ICYMI: The Irvington Town Council meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at Town Hall (235 Steamboat Rd, Irvington). Call (804) 438-6230 for more information.
The Irvington Farmers Market begins for the 2018 season Saturday, May 5 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at 98 King Carter Dr, Irvington.
The Lancaster County School Board is holding a Budget Work Session Tuesday, January 30 at 5:30 pm at the LCPS Annex. The work session will be comprised of presentations according to the agenda.
The S.A.L.T. Council – TRIAD meeting will be held Wednesday, February 21, 1:00-2:00 pm at Visiting Angels (68 South Main St, Kilmarnock). FYI: TRIAD is a cooperative effort of law enforcement agencies (police/fire/sheriffs), senior citizens, and senior organizations, focused on reducing crimes against seniors. The S.A.L.T. Council (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) meets regularly to plan events and presentations, and to discuss issues affecting the safety and security of seniors.
The S.A.L.T. Council's regular meeting is the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm at Visiting Angels (68 South Main St, Kilmarnock). All are welcome.
The Northumberland County School Board is holding an FY 2019 budget work session Monday, January 29 at 3:00 pm at the school board office (2172 Northumberland Hwy, Lottsburg). The session is open to the public.
The Northumberland County School Board has announced (PDF) numerous staffing changes including new hires, retirements, and the reorganization of the school board.
The Northumberland County School Board is holding a special meeting Wednesday, January 31 at 1:00 pm. It is a closed meeting.
The Town of Warsaw recently announced achievements in 2017. They include a net gain of five businesses, $1.6 million in grants, and as of April, 50 new residents. Read more on Facebook.
The Richmond County Board of Social Services is having a regular board meeting Tuesday, January 30 at 5:00 pm. The agenda includes citizen time, reports, discussion about the proposed FY 2019 operating budget for the Richmond County Department of Social Services, and a closed session.
The March Richmond County Board of Social Services meeting will be held Thursday, March 29 at 5:00 pm.
Richmond County Public Schools is seeking public feedback on the draft SY 2018-2019 calendar. Take the RCPS calendar survey.
The Richmond County Board of Supervisors is having a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the new EMS Facility (152 Community Park Dr, Warsaw, adjacent to the Richmond County Fairgrounds) Thursday, February 8 at 1:00 pm. The public is invited.
At last Thursday's Board Meeting, County Administrator Morgan Quicke gave a budget presentation to the Board of Supervisors highlighting the budget through the first six months of our current budget, and also looking ahead towards the budget needs for FY19, set to begin July 1, 2018.
Budget worksessions with the Board of Supervisors will start in March, with final FY19 adoption scheduled for May 10th.
As Budget information becomes available, look for it on the County website to keep up with all updates as we work towards creating a successful budget for next year!
Flexible fixed route is now available from Colonial Beach to Tappahannock! The service, a partnership with Westmoreland County, has stops in Colonial Beach, Oak Grove and Montross to carry residents into Tappahannock for medical appointments and shopping!
Bay Transit provides people of all ages and incomes a safe, reliable way to get around town, go up the county, or connect to another bus to access businesses and services in a neighboring county! Visit Bay Transit: Test drive Bay Transit by scheduling a ride. Call toll free 1.877.869.6046.
The Westmoreland County Planning Commission next meets Monday, February 5 at 1:30 pm at the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk St, Montross). Cases on the agenda (PDF):
Case # 1801-SE-01~ Request by (Owners)Maisie Sisson, Life Estate and Gary Sisson, Remainderman, 281 Nelson Lane, Montross, VA 22520; (Agent)James R. Tew, Dominion Energy Virginia; (Applicant) Virginia Electric and Power Company, c/o Keith Windle, 120 Tredegar Street, 3rd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 - for a Special Exception in accordance with the Zoning Code requirement found in Article 2, Section 13.3, Subsection 52, for the development of a solar facility ( Public Utility Facility). The property is described as lot 7 as shown on zoning map 44, Montross Magisterial District.
Case # 1801-CBAE-01 ~ Request by Charles & Susan Ewing, 9403 Nelson Lane, Manassas, VA 20110- for a Chesapeake Bay Act Exception to allow the construction of a garage addition located within the 50-foot Resource Protection Area. The property is located in the Glebe Harbor subdivision as shown on zoning map 26K, section 1, block 2 and lot 7, also known as 89 Osprey Drive, Cople Magisterial District.
Northumberland Association for Progressive Stewardship (NAPS) is hosting the environmental symposium "Earth Day in February"Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 am at the United Methodist Church (corner of US 360 and VA-201, Heathsville, in the Fellowship Hall). The symposium is free and all are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
The objective of the event is for organizations and the public to share information about environmental stewardship and opportunities for involvement. The program will open with two clean-up projects: one from NAPS and the other by the Northumberland Elementary School Problem Solvers.
Yes, our lovable pooches and kitties deserve to have healthy meals too! Through a $2,500 Meals on Wheels Association grant, staff is purchasing pet food which volunteers deliver to their Meals on Wheels homebound seniors who have pets. This is one more way Bay Aging ensures that seniors do not go hungry. So far 250 pounds of dog food and 200 pounds of cat food have been purchased and ready for delivery!
The Northern Neck Beekeepers' Beekeeping Class is February 5 - April 9. Learn more and register.
The next Northern Neck Beekeepers meeting takes place Monday, February 12 at 6:00 pm at St. Stephen's Church in Heathsville. Learn more.
Children First is a 4-hour co-parenting education program designed to promote positive and healthy communication for families experiencing the challenges of transition through separation and/or divorce. The program assists parents in understanding the importance of an active, involved, and positive relationship with their children by minimizing parental conflict.
The Mid-Tidewater Affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness's six-week Family-to-Family course, which starts March 13, will provide help and support to people caring for those with various mental illnesses (including Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, and Schizophrenia). Learn more and register.
Classes are structured to help family members to understand and to provide support while maintaining their own well-being. Participants receive current information about mental illness, medications, and research on effective treatments, strategies for medication adherence, appropriate ways to deal with crises and relapse among other topics.
Update on commenting on the Nice Bridge replacement project: VDOT has information about commenting on the proposal different from what was shared January 22. See Governor Harry W. Nice Bridge Replacement. And may I add as a good government proponent that Virginia's information about the project is far superior to that of Maryland.
The Chesapeake Bay is not just another policy topic for me. It's always a priority. While in Congress, I've authored bipartisan legislation that is now signed into law. The Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act preserves the environmental health of the Bay and increases coordination transparency within Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts. During last years budget negotiations, I worked tirelessly with the House Appropriations Committee to gain $60 million in funding for the Bay Program. In the coming months Congress will start to debate the Fiscal Year 2019 budget, and I want to assure you that I will continue, as I have for years, to make the Chesapeake Bay a top priority.
EMS scholarships now available state-wide. Peninsulas EMS Council reports in Virginia EMS Scholarship Program Launched that award amounts up to $5,416 are available to individuals seeking initial certification as an EMS provider in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, February 28. (H/t Lancaster County Emergency Services (Facebook))