The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors has published their 2018 regular meeting schedule. The next meeting will be held Thursday, January 25 at 7:00 pm at the County Administration Building (8311 Mary Ball Rd, Lancaster Court House, in the Board Meeting Room). From the schedule announcement:
Item(s) to be placed on an agenda of a regular monthly meeting shall be submitted in writing with any related materials to the County Administrator's Office at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting.
Prior to the aforementioned regular meeting time, the Board of Supervisors shall meet at 6:15 p.m. in the County Administrator's Office at 8311 Mary Ball Road (Virginia Primary Highway Route 3) in Lancaster Court House to review and, if necessary, modify the tentative agenda for the regular meeting. This meeting shall be open to the public, except for those portions that may be lawfully closed in conformance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
The agenda for the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors' January 25 regular meeting includes a public input session, presentations from the Mary Ball Washington Museum and Library Update and VDOT, several reports, consideration of financial matters, and public hearings.
Lancaster Community Library's Sundays at Two, through mid-March, considers several important topics including climate change and Virginia history.
The Kilmarnock Town Council meeting is Monday, January 22 at 7:00 pm at Kilmarnock Town Hall (1 North Main St, Kilmarnock). The meeting agenda (PDF) includes public comments and committee reports.
The Kilmarnock Town Council February meeting will be held Monday, February 26 at 7:00 pm at Kilmarnock Town Hall (1 North Main St, Kilmarnock).
VDOT Route 3 at Robert O. Norris Bridge Painting Project: VDOT expects the painting project to be completed by June 2018. During the project, "Two temporary traffic signals control one-way alternating traffic at the bridge's center spans 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The signals will remain in place until the end of the painting project in June 2018."
Route 360
(Update) Monday ˗˗ Friday, 8 a.m. ˗ 6 p.m. Expect alternating, single lane closures on Route 360 eastbound and westbound near Route 202 (Hampton Hall Road) to the Richmond County line to allow crews to replace the lens in pavement markers. Motorists should expect slow moving construction equipment and delays near the mobile work zone. The mobile work zone will periodically pull over to allow congestion to clear. Expect brief delays.
The Northumberland Public Library Board of Trustees meets Wednesday, January 24, 5:00-7:00 pm at the library (7204 Northumberland Hwy, Heathsville). The meeting was rescheduled from January 17.
Northumberland County Public Schools has several job openings.
The next Northumberland County Planning Commission meeting will take place Thursday, February 15 at a location TBD.
Richmond County
The Richmond County School Board will hold a special meetingMonday, January 22 at 9:30 am at School Board Office (92 Walnut St, Warsaw). "The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the contract for construction of the transportation facility and the related financing plan."
Route 17 and Route 360 near the Downing Bridge
(New) Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Motorists should anticipate lane closures or alternating traffic with flagging operations on Route 17 and Route 360 near the Downing Bridge. Crews are replacing the lens in pavement markers on both roads near Route 617 (Richmond Road) and Marsh Street. On Queen Street in Essex County, crews will be working from the Downing Bridge to Church Lane. On the Richmond County side, crews will be working on Route 360 from Sabine Hall Road to the Downing Bridge. Motorists should expect slow moving construction equipment and delays near the mobile work zone. The mobile work zone will periodically pull over to allow congestion to clear. There will be no lane closures on Downing Bridge but expect delays near the bridge approaches.
Colonial Beach Public Schools has several job openings including a 4th Grade Long-Term Substitute starting in March.
Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity is encouraging people to submit a Homeowner Application. The deadline is Wednesday, February 28. Lancaster/Northumberland Habitat for Humanity will selecti an individual or family to partner on the construction of the organization's 20th home, in Northumberland County. Those interested should attend one of two scheduled information sessions: Saturday, January 27 from 10:00-11:00 am at the Habitat Office/Resale store (460 N. Main St, Kilmarnock) and Thursday, February 15 from 6:30-7:00 pm at Mt. Olive Baptist Church (6749 Jessie Dupont Memorial Hwy, Heathsville). Eligibility criteria and more information is on Habitat's website.
The Virginia Poverty Law Center operates the Statewide Senior Legal Helpline, (844) 802-5910. The toll-free line offers legal assistance and advice on various topics for Virginia residents 60 and older. Topics include long term care issues; public benefits, such as Medicaid and SSI; and financial exploitation.
Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Montross) wants input from First District VA residents about infrastructure priorities. Take the survey.
The Great Backyard Bird Count starts Friday, February 16 and ends Monday, February 19. Learn more about participating on the Northern Neck Audubon Society website.