Dem candidates' message to voters: Get engaged. Get active.

The singular message at the Friday, March 14 meet and greet for several candidates for state office was straightforward: Elect democrats. Candidates Sen. Aaron Rouse (Lt. Gov.) and Mario Haggerty (House of Delegates District 67) along with Mamie Locke, Chair, Senate Democratic Caucus agreed that a solid contingency of Dems is necessary to push back on President Trump’s hostile actions toward the state and its residents.

Jim Hendrickson, chair of the Northumberland County Democratic Committee, encourages people to become active in their community: Lancaster County Democratic Committee, Westmoreland Democratic Committee, and Essex•Richmond County Democrats on Facebook, @ecrcvadems.

Pictured from L to R: Jim Hendrickson, Chair NCDC; Sen. Aaron Rouse; Hon. Mamie Locke, Chair, Senate Democratic Caucus; Mario Haggerty; and Stacie Hendrickson, host of the event.