Nonprofits, community orgs encouraged to help develop volunteer capacity building project

Voluntarism in Lancaster, Middlesex, and Northumberland counties is getting a boost from the River Counties Volunteer Capacity Building Project. The initiative launches Tuesday, January 28 and nonprofits and other community organizations which would benefit from increased voluntarism are encouraged to participate in the organizational meeting. Register online. Read the announcement.

“The River Counties Volunteer Capacity Building Project will focus on four priorities to build volunteer capacity across Lancaster, Middlesex and Northumberland counties in Virginia:”

1. Build a stronger culture of service, volunteerism and civic engagement by implementing the Virginia Community Engagement Index (VCEI) in the region and building awareness of and access to close-to-home volunteer opportunities across the River Counties, utilizing best-in-class technology to support volunteer engagement.

2. Unite a more robust, integrated, and aligned network of cross-sector partners to coalesce around common strategies and best practices resulting in the effective use of volunteer capacity to serve the needs of the community.

3. Create a more robust infrastructure through evidence-based practices and shared resources that will support organizations and individuals in volunteerism efforts.

4. Complete a strategic plan for long-term sustainability of volunteer capacity. (Source)

The project was created by River Counties Community Foundation (RCCF), Serve Virginia, the Virginia Service Foundation, and funder Robert B. Lantz Foundation. According to the project’s announcement, a number of organizations which rely on volunteers―Rappahannock General Hospital, Bay Aging, and Northern Neck-Middlesex Free Health Clinic―are excited about the project and will attend this meeting and participate in the effort as it progresses.

Learn more about voluntarism in Virginia Community Engagement Index - Eastern Region Report October 2023 (PDF).