Survey about the Northumberland County supes: Unofficial

An unknown person or group is soliciting feedback from Northumberland County residents (and who else?) in the survey Northumberland County Board Of Supervisors Survey.

The county government has issued a notice that the survey is not an official one being conducted by the government.

County Government Offices have received several phone calls related to recent postcards mailed conducting a survey regarding the Board of Supervisors. To clarify, this survey is NOT in collaboration with the Board of Supervisors and is NOT being conducted by the County. The County and the Board are unaware of the origin of the survey, its purpose, where the results are being sent, or how the data is to be used. The Board supports an individual's right to conduct surveys but wishes to clarify that the County and the Board are not involved and are not requesting this information.

Learn more about the survey in the video Northumberland County Survey (or watch below). Note: The vid is on the long side, providing ample time to read each question and response options.