Learn how to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff, one property, one community at a time

Four images of creeks, streams, and rivers

We can learn a great deal from River Hero Homes, “a community of stewards that realize the first step to a cleaner James River starts in their own backyard. Take steps to improve your home and become a hero for your community and your river.” (Source)

Specifically, these home-grown, community-supportive advocates working collectively to address stormwater runoff, a danger to the James River. Those of us in the Chesapeake Bay watershed face similar environmental challenges of chemicals and bacteria from pet waste.

Learn more about ways to reduce the negative impact of stormwater runoff in the James River Association’s River Hero Home YouTube channel. There you will find vids about native plants, pick up after your dog, installing rain barrels, sustainable landscaping and composting, and more.