Save the date: June 1-9 is National Fishing and Boating Week

National Fishing and Boating Week, June 1-9, “highlights the importance of recreational boating and fishing in enhancing our quality of life and preserving our country’s natural beauty.” (Source:

Here are some ways to get outside and celebrate:


This year, Virginia’s Free Fishing Days are Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9. This means no fishing license is required for recreational rod and reel fishing. However, as the Department of Wildlife Resources points out, “All fishing regulations including size, season, catch limits, and gear restrictions will remain in effect.”

Where to Fish provides info about fishing in ponds and lakes and in saltwater, among other subsets.

Read Save the date for free fishing: June 7-9! for more info.


Boating is more than large motor boats and sailboats. . . it's also about kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards. Watch Morning Otter Experience on Little Wicomico River Virginia (also below) to watch the joys of nature on the Northern Neck. (The Water Patterns channel vid used with permission)