Find laws, regs, and more on the Virginia Law Portal

The new Virginia Law Portal makes Virginia’s laws “easier to search, navigate, and find.”

The Virginia Law Portal is the online home of the Constitution of Virginia, Code of Virginia, Uncodified Acts of Assembly, Regulations of Virginia, Charters and Authorities of Virginia Localities, and Compacts of Virginia. It features easy navigation and readable presentation of content. Visitors can search across all of Virginia Law to find the information they want, without having to know where the information resides.

According to the overview, portal features are:

  1. Searching - Specific section look ups or more generalized keyword searches.
  2. Printing - Print out or create PDFs of entire Titles.
  3. Responsive design - Layout reflows on various screen sizes, which allows for ease of navigation on a variety of devices, such as a phone, tablet and desktop. Typography considerations were also taken to make sure the information was legible on all screen sizes.
  4. Feedback button - Helps identify issues that need to be addressed and provides a communication link with our user community.
  5. Bill history links - Hyperlinks back to Acts of Assembly Chapters that amend sections, back to 1994.
  6. Popular Names - An alternate directory of Code of Virginia sections lists well-known Acts of Assembly by their common names, such as the Condominium Act or the Line of Duty Act.
  7. Agency list - View regulations by state government agency.