Outreach on the NNK

Screenshot of spreadsheet, showing social media account names, links, and additional information such as update date

(Crowdsourced) Outreach on the NNK is, as the name suggests, a list of physical and virtual locations at which to share information about events, organizational news, advocacy opportunities, and more.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the list is that it is crowdsourced, meaning that members of the community can make changes. More importantly, they are encouraged to make changes.

Screenshot of spreadsheet introduction with instructions on how to use

Several things to note about these lists (full disclosure: I created the file):

  • You can download the file and make it your own by deleting items not relevant, adding details, etc.
  • The phsyical locations sheet needs some work. Bank names, in particular, have changed and details such as the types of businesses that may post flyers is needed.
  • The POAs sheet needs a lot of work. If you live in a planned community, please add that info!
  • The organizations sheet is a holding place for organization types which should be added to one of the other sheets. For example, mom and pop convenience stores should be moved to the physical sheet when details are obtained. Do you have a lead on a source for this information? Note that in the sheet, please! And thank you.