The Three Rivers Health District is excited to announce the launch of the new Community Health portal on our website. This new page contains the Health District’s new Community Health Assessment and Community Health Dashboard in addition to a survey that will allow the community to provide ongoing insight into and recommendations for opportunities to improve the health of our population. These tools are intended to support community planning discussions and serve as a catalyst for the development of new programs across the Health District.
How Healthy Is My Community presents data in two ways: 2023 Executive Community Health Assessment & Improvement Plan and the Community Health Dashboard. Three Rivers also links to two additional data sources, VDH’s Community Health Improvement Data Portal and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s County Health Rankings.
The Community Health Improvement Survey asks users to rank issues by importance and actionability and provides an opportunity for off-script input in open-ended questions. The district also seeks input (questions or suggestions) about the district’s community health improvement efforts; email Amanda Adams.