If you have ideas about freshwater fishing, recreational boating, and nongame and endangered species regulations, now is the time to let the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) know. They have recently launched their biennial process for regulatory changes going into effect January 1, 2025.
The first step, ending February 25, is the public issues scoping period. DWR wants to know which species and boating issues require a regulation change. In addition, the agency wants to know details.
Over the next year, DWR will hear from the public and experts and look at the science and the environment to make their final decisions about regulations effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026.
Freshwater fishing details you will be asked to provide
- Regulation change desired
- Description of your specific recommendation change (Example: I would like to see a 10-inch minimum size on rock bass.)
- The primary concern or issue you want your recommendation to correct (Example: There are not enough large rock bass available to catch.)
- Potential implications of this reg change (Regulation changes have biological, sociological, administrative, and economic implications. The Department must assess these impacts in order to make the best possible decision about regulation changes.)
Recreational boating details you will be asked to provide
- Regulation change desired
- Description of your specific recommendation change
- The primary concern or issue you want your recommendation to correct
- Potential implications of this reg change (Regulation changes have biological, sociological, administrative, and economic implications. The Department must assess these impacts in order to make the best possible decision about regulation changes.)
- Personal experience on the water, including safety
Nongame and endangered species details you will be asked to provide
- Regulation change desired
- The suite of nongame and/or endangered species your regulation recommendation affects (reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc.)
- The primary concern or issue you want your recommendation to correct (Example: There are not enough large rock bass available to catch.)
- Potential implications of this reg change (Regulation changes have biological, sociological, administrative, and economic implications. The Department must assess these impacts in order to make the best possible decision about regulation changes.)
The timeline
- January 11–February 25, 2024: Public issues scoping period (comment portal form on website), staff makes contact with constituent groups or individuals, assess concerns or ideas for changes.
- February–March 2024: Aquatic committees meet to discuss scoping comments submitted.
- March 20, 2024: DWR Wildlife and Boat Committee meeting; Staff presents preliminary review of issues identified to Committee members. (Public comment opportunity)
- March 21, 2024: DWR Board meeting; Staff presents preliminary review of issues identified to Board members. (Public comment opportunity)
- April – May 2024: Aquatic staff core group meets to finalize staff recommendations.
- May 22, 2024: DWR Wildlife and Boat Committee meeting; Staff recommendations presented to Committee members, Committee decides which to send to Board for approval. (Public comment opportunity)
- May 23, 2024: DWR Board meeting; Staff recommendations presented to Board members, Board decides which proposals to move forward to public comment. (Public comment opportunity)
- June 10 – July 25, 2024: 45-day public comment period on Board proposals (advertised on website, newspapers, social media, and email list for those who are signed up).
- August 21, 2024: DWR Wildlife and Boat Commitee meeting; Staff presents final recommendations to Committee members, Committee decides which to send to Board for approval. (Public comment opportunity)
- August 22, 2024: DWR Board meeting; Staff presents final recommendations to Board members for final approval. (Public comment opportunity)
- January 1, 2025: Regulations go into effect.