Paid internships with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are
a great way for college students to explore potential career paths. Our summer interns work with NOAA experts for roughly 12 weeks during the summer. They contribute to NOAA’s mission, gain valuable experience, boost their resumes, and try out a potential science career.
The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office is teaming up with the Chesapeake Research Consortium to offer five Chesapeake-focused internships through two separate internship programs in summer 2024. These paid internships will run from mid-May through mid-August. Applications are due by January 28, 2024.
The Ches Bay opportunities are Fish Ecology Intern, Environmental Literacy—Workgroup Intern, Field Technician Intern, Environmental Literacy—Climate Intern, and Partnerships and Engagement Intern.
The Partnerships and Engagement Intern has a local focus.
This intern will collaborate with organizations in the Choptank Habitat Focus Area on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and in the Middle Peninsula Habitat Focus Area on Virginia’s Western Shore. They will also engage with communities including tribal nations and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This intern will be based in Annapolis, Maryland.
Learn more by reading Explore a NOAA Career: Summer 2024 Paid Internships in the Chesapeake Bay.
Photo: GFNMS-CBNMS - Intern Kaytlin Ingman (29382340994).jpg by D. Devlin/NOAA/Point Blue/ACCESS, National Marine Sanctuaries. The image is in the public domain.