Lancaster County proactively reaching out to new owners of waterfront property

Lancaster County’s Wetlands Board meets Thursday, December 14 at 9:30 am (Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, Lancaster County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster). Read the agenda. Read the packet (PDF) (189 pp).

One item on the agenda is a mailing to new waterfront property owners about the responsibilities of owning waterfront property. Read the Riparian Property Owner Letter (PDF) and the Riparian Property Owners Brochure (PDF).

The brochure is a decent primer on responsibly living on the water, summarizing RPA (Resource Protection Area), general wetlands and waterfront guidelines, and riparian buffers. With several modifications, the brochure could be significantly better. Suggested mods include a new design (with no or little reverse printing, for example) and tightened-up content.