Richmond and Westmoreland Counties receive state funding for land conservation

The governor has announced $14.7 million in land conservation grants to protect 55,575 acres statewide. The Northern Neck is represented by two grants, one in Richmond County and one in Westmoreland County. Together, the NNK projects account for 1,284 acres and $2,301,166.

Richmond County

Requesting organization Rappahannock Tribe of Virginia

Project name: Acquiring Rappahannock Tribe's Ancestral Homelands Phase III

Acquisition of 964 acres on the Rappahannock River at Fones Cliffs, the ancestral homelands of the Rappahannock Tribe. The site, adjacent to property owned by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, contains a mile of frontage on the river.

Amount: $1,716,166

Categories: Historic Preservation, Forestland Preservation

Westmoreland County

Requesting organization The Trust for Public Land

Project name: Lower Potomac River Corridor

Conservation easements on 320 acres of farmland along the Potomac River and Popes Creek. These conserved farms will be connected to another 3,000 acres of public and privately conserved land, including Westmoreland State Park, on the Northern Neck.

Amount: $585,000

Category: Farmland Preservation

Read about all the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation FY2024 Approved Projects.