Several projects on the Northern Neck are included in the draft Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Intended Use Plan (PDF):
- Town of Kilmarnock: $17,525,500 requested, $7m funded, principal forgiveness amount TBD. Town of Kilmarnock Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase 2: This project will make improvements to the Town of Kilmarnock Wastewater Treatment Plant, specifically replacement of the influent screen, grit removal system, pump station, and aerobic digester blower and diffuser, new SCADA system, improvements to the equalization basins, conversion of biological reactors, chemical feed upgrades, and miscellaneous improvements.
- Town of White Stone: $750,000 requested, $750,000 funded, principal forgiveness amount $0. This project will install a new force main collection system in downtown area and the adjacent residential areas to new 40,0000 gpd WWTP. The collection system will replace aging septic systems, of which most have already failed at least once. The existing septic systems drain into the tributaries of Carters Creek, Pleasant Banks Cove, or Antipoison Creek, which are all tidal bodies that are located within 1/4 mile of the Town and pose negative impacts to public health and the environment.
- Town of Kilmarnock: $6,472,700 requested, $$6,472,700 funded, principal forgiveness amount $0. Town of Kilmarnock Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project: This project will replace equipment that is reaching or past its useful life and increase operator control to increase efficiency and decrease chemical usage. These updates will ensure that the operators can reliably meet plant effluent requirements as the influent flow rate continues to increase.
Being included in the draft is not the end of the process. Instead, the State Water Control Board seeks public comments on the draft VCWRLF IUP before finalizing the loan recipients.
A public meeting will be held Thursday, October 19 at 10:00 am at 1111 East Main Street, Richmond (3rd Floor Conference Rm). The public review and comment period will end Friday, October 20 at 5:00 pm. Comments/ questions should include the name, address, and telephone number of the commenter and be directed to Karen Doran, Department of Environmental Quality, Clean Water Financing and Assistance Program in one of three ways:
- Mail: PO Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218
- Phone: (804) 836-5912
- Email:
What is the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund?
According to the DEQ website about the VCWRLF,
The Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF), previously known as the Virginia Revolving Loan Fund, was created in 1987. DEQ, on behalf of the State Water Control Board (SWCB), manages the VCWRLF, administers the policy aspects of the program, receives applications, develops funding recommendations, and provides assistance and oversight for funded projects. The Virginia Resources Authority (VRA) serves as the financial manager of the VCWRLF.
Initially, the VCWRLF included a single program which was established to provide financial assistance in the form of low-interest loans to local governments for needed improvements at publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities and/or collection systems. Since then, the scope of the VCWRLF has been expanded by the SWCB.
Eligible VCWRLF project types now include:
* Publicly owned wastewater collection and treatment facilities
* Publicly owned stormwater best management practices
* Remediation of contaminated brownfield properties
* Land conservation
* Living shorelines
* Agricultural best management practices