The Virginia subreddit post about the 2023 primaries is a must read. Highlights:
The entire house of delegates and Senate are up for reelection this November. If you want to determine who will be in the general election, make sure to plan to vote in the primary on June 20. If you know someone who is 17 but will be 18 by the November 7, 2023 they can vote in the primary, so let them know to register to vote now or plan to register on election day when they head to the polls. [emphasis added]
Get more info and register here. Ignore the registration deadlines; we have same-day now.
Check out this helpful article from Cardinal News: "2023 Virginia General Assembly elections: Virginians will be voting based on newly drawn districts for the first time this year, and both parties have the opportunity to win a majority. Primary races kick off as early as May. Learn who is running in your district."
And the r/Virginia comment section for that article: