The Northumberland County supervisors have a busy sked Thursday, April 13 at 7:00 pm. They’ll be holding hearings on a number of topics and the public is encouraged to attend the meeting in person and virtually and to comment on one or more of the items under consideration.
- Request by Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, owner, and The New Y-Capp, Inc., applicant, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a health care facility (Luxury Residential Treatment Center) on property zoned R-2, Residential Waterfront. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 51-(1)-135 and is located at 355 Ditchley Road.
- Request by Maxim Shustovskiy and Galina Shustovskaya, owners for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a restaurant (coffee and sandwich shop) on property zoned A-1. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 26-(1)-111-A and is located at 13039 Northumberland Hwy.
- Repeal of Northumberland County Code Chapter 72 Firearms, Article II, Sections 72-4 Transport or possession of loaded shotgun or rifle, 72-5 Exceptions, and 72-6 Violations and penalties; which would remove local prohibitions against carrying a loaded shotgun or rifle in any vehicle on any public street, road, or highway within Northumberland County. This would also remove any exceptions and violations associated with the removal of Section 72-4.
- Amendment of Northumberland County Code Chapter 72 Firearms, Article III, Section 72-7 Unlawful possession; to update the statutory reference from a repealed state statute to Virginia Code Section 15.2-1209.1.
- A revision to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance § 148-153, Travel Trailers, to delete the definition of Travel Trailers, define recreational vehicles, and rename the Travel Trailer ordinance to the “Recreational Vehicles” ordinance. This modification also includes separating tent camping into a new zoning ordinance section.
- Create a tent camping zoning ordinance section, make commercial camping (with compensation) a conditional use in A-1, Agriculture, R-2, Residential Waterfront and C-1 Conservation zoning districts. Commercial camping (with compensation) will be prohibited in all other zoning districts. Camping without compensation on undeveloped properties less than one acre would require the use of a health department approved sanitation facility. Further discussion led the Planning Commission to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to replace the term “undeveloped land” with “property without a dwelling unit or recreational vehicle connected to a permitted septic system.”
- [The supervisors will] consider an amendment to the fiscal year 2023 budget. This budget amendment is for the purpose of appropriating monies which are part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding, various school grants, and construction funds to be accounted for within the FY23 budget.