The Northumberland County Board of Supervisors is holding a hearing Thursday, March 9 at 7:00 pm on four items: two utility-grade solar farms, conditional use application for a mobile/manufactured home park, and conditional use application to allow a health care facility. The public is encouraged to attend.
Philip J. Haynie, III has applied for a conditional use permit to allow a mobile/manufactured home park (PDF) on Whays Creek Road in Reedville, property zoned R-2, Residential Waterfront. The entire parcel is 48.59 acres and all but one acre is being used for farming.
The application proposes to use a portion of the parcel for a mobile home community with two parking spots for each home and at least one light for every three homes. The application does not detail the number of mobile/manufactured homes proposed for the site, only the plan that fencing will separate the housing development from structures currently on the property (a house, grain bin, shed, etc.) (see PRN 26702001).
The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge and New Y-Capp, Inc. have applied to allow a luxury residential treatment center on property zoned R-2, Residential Waterfront. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 51-(1)-135 and is located at 355 Ditchley Road.
According to the Zillow listing for the Ditchley Road property, the parcel is an 88.39-acre estate with the single family home, garage, stocked ponds, and several outbuildings. The applicants propose to make no changes to the exterior of the residential building or other elements of the property but they will make interior modifications.