The Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation District will elect directors at the November 2023 general election. Two representatives each from Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland Counties serve on the board. One rep from Lancaster and one from Westmoreland have informed the organization’s director that they will not be running for re-election.
Directors are not paid.
Since the last election, the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act (CFDA) has come into play. Given the complex nature of the CFDA, local Registrars of Voters will be at the NNSWCD Office Wednesday, April 12 at 5:00 pm to meet with individuals seeking election/re-election to the Northern Neck SWCD Board.
Anyone interested in running should contact Kathy Clarke, NNSWCD District Operations Manager by phone, (804) 313-9102, x101, or email.