Your input matters: Comment on state flooding and coastal resilience outreach plan

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is seeking public comment on the draft Community Outreach and Engagement Plan (COEP) for the Coastal Resilience Master Plan and the Virginia Flood Protection Master Plan. The deadline is January 31.

Submit comments via email to Matt Dalon (email below) or use the online comment forum.

Should you have questions about the draft or the process, contact Matt Dalon, Resilience Planning Program Manager, by calling (804) 613-0517 or emailing

Susie's comments

I submitted two documents. The first is the letter detailing my comments and the second is the draft plan with sticky notes.

The 30,000 foot view of the draft plan is that it’s a solid framework to proceed. However, engagement is missing and that is a significant gap in an outreach and engagement plan. It’s obvious that those writing the draft plan have little experience with or understanding effective engagement and those things that make it valuable, both from a self-serving perspective and from a good government perspective. These shortcomings will not be fixed with this outreach and engagement plan but it’s important to raise it with DCR at every available opportunity.

Perhaps the most expedient way to address the engagement shortcomings in the draft plan are to take advantage of the wealth of expertise in the community. This can be environmental organizations, legal services providers, the faith community, informal community groups, and library staff, among others. Working with effective others will enhance the credibility of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and will let DCR lean heavily on the skill and people they bring to the table.

But DCR should not be let off the hook. This agency among others should invest in in-house outreach and engagement teams. The staff should be well paid and be used across individual agencies to bring the work to the people and people to the work.