Public comments sought on Lancaster County's Westland Beach shoreline project proposal

The Department of Environmental Quality is seeking public comment on Shoreline Stabilization Project at Westland Beach, Rappahannock River (Lancaster County). Comments are due December 5. Email comments to Julia Wellman at

The project, according to DEQ:

The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors, et al (the applicant) is proposing to construct a shoreline stabilization project along the Rappahannock River at Westland Beach in Lancaster County. The applicant proposes to stabilize approximately 1,525 feet of eroding shoreline by constructing seven armor stone breakwaters and spurs, installing 18,000 cubic yards of high-quality sand beach nourishment, and planting the proposed upper beach-dune with 42,000 square feet of native beach and wetlands vegetation. The project site consists of three segments: 1) commercial marina, restaurant and pool, 2) county-owned public beach (at the end of Windmill Point Road, state route 695), and 3) private-community property. The proposed shoreline stabilization would start at the north stone jetty to the marina inlet channel and end at a terminal groin-spur on the community property. The project qualifies for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 individual permit; therefore, the applicant submitted a federal consistency certification to DEQ for review. The proposed activity is subject to review for consistency with the enforceable policies of the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program.

Three documents related to the proposal are available: