Northumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting Thursday, August 11

The Northumberland County Board of Supervisors meets Thursday, August 11 at 5:30 pm with public hearings beginning at 7:00 pm. All meetings are held in the New Court Building (220 Judicial Place, Heathsville). Watch the meeting in person or virtually.

The agenda is a packed one. Some items of note are:
  • Consideration of a resolution supporting the state American Revolutionary 250 Commission and the important work to commememorate the birth of the nation
  • Update from the Virginia Department of Transportation
  • Consideration of the supplemental appropriation for NCSO
  • RCC funding request update
  • Building permit report

There are two items on the agenda for the public hearing:

  1. Request by Daniel M. Swarey, owner, for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a private school on property zoned A-1, Agriculture. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 7-(1)-48 and is located adjacent to 1645 Fruit Plain Road. The proposed school, Amish School, is a one-room schoolhouse. They are also proposing two outhouses and a barn/stable. There are two docs associated with this agenda item. The first is the ad for the paper and the second is the land use application.
  2. Request by Philip Haynie, II, and Judith Haynie and Philip Haynie, III, owners, and Community Power Group, applicant, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a utility-scale solar energy facility on property zoned R-2, Residential Waterfront. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel #37-(1)-195 and 195-A adjacent to 642 Fairport Road. There are numerous documents associated with this proposal. (carried over from July 14, 2022)


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