The Northumberland County Board of Supervisors meets Thursday, August 11 at 5:30 pm with public hearings beginning at 7:00 pm. All meetings are held in the New Court Building (220 Judicial Place, Heathsville). Watch the meeting in person or virtually.
- See the agenda and other materials
- See deets about joining the meeting virtually
- See details about the public hearing
- Consideration of a resolution supporting the state American Revolutionary 250 Commission and the important work to commememorate the birth of the nation
- Update from the Virginia Department of Transportation
- Consideration of the supplemental appropriation for NCSO
- RCC funding request update
- Building permit report
There are two items on the agenda for the public hearing:
- Request by Daniel M. Swarey, owner, for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a private school on property zoned A-1, Agriculture. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 7-(1)-48 and is located adjacent to 1645 Fruit Plain Road. The proposed school, Amish School, is a one-room schoolhouse. They are also proposing two outhouses and a barn/stable. There are two docs associated with this agenda item. The first is the ad for the paper and the second is the land use application.
- Request by Philip Haynie, II, and Judith Haynie and Philip Haynie, III, owners, and Community Power Group, applicant, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a utility-scale solar energy facility on property zoned R-2, Residential Waterfront. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel #37-(1)-195 and 195-A adjacent to 642 Fairport Road. There are numerous documents associated with this proposal. (carried over from July 14, 2022)