CSU predicts normal hurricane activity for next two weeks and updates hurricane season predictions overall

On August 4, Colorado State University’s Tropical Weather & Climate Research Group updated their hurricane predictions for the 2022 season (CSU August 4, 2022 predictions): “We have decreased our forecast but continue to call for an above-average 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.

The CSU team reduced the number of named storms to 18 from 19 in their first prediction of the season (April 7) and 20 in their July prediction and the number of hurricanes to eight from nine in April and 10 in July. CSU also reduced or left the same as July other parameters.

The Tropical Weather & Climate Research Group explains their conclusions in Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity and Landfall Strike Probability for 2022 (PDF). The final such forecast updates will be released November 30.

Starting with the August 4 release are the two-week Forecasts of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity. The August 4 two-week forecast Colorado State University Forecaset of Atlantic Hurricane Activity from August 4-17, 2022 (PDF) leads with “We believe that the most likely category for Atlantic hurricane activity in the next two weeks is normal (50%), with below-normal (40%) and above-normal (10%) being less likely.”


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