The Board of Zoning Appeals meets Tuesday, June 7 at 7:00 pm in the Sheriff's Office conference room (195 Judicial Pl, Heathsville, VA). See meeting agendas and minutes.
The Economic Development Commission is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 21 at 6:00 pm. Call (804) 580-7666 for meeting details.
Events, announcements, programs
The Northern Neck Master Gardeners Northumberland Help Desk takes place Tuesdays from 9:00 am-Noon. Master Gardeners take phone calls and emails and inspect samples brought in by local gardeners and homeowners. Be in touch by emailing the NNMGs or calling (804) 493-8924.
Northumberland County Public Schools is participating in the summer food program. It starts June 6 and runs two months with a break in the middle. Learn more about the NCPS summer food program.