These Farms Are Living a Double Life discusses the experiment taking place at Hofgemeinschaft Heggelbach: solar and farming on the same land at the same time. Hofgemeinschaft Heggelbach is "the farming community built Germany’s biggest solar installation under which crops can grow, a method known as agrophotovoltaics (APV)." "Steel columns holding 720 gleaming panels comprising 27,000 square feet of state-of-the-art solar technology."
The Rich Earth Institute, on the other hand, moved years ago to implementing the idea of urine as fertilizer idea. Learn more in Meet the Peecyclers. Their Idea to Help Farmers Is No. 1. Writes journalist Catrin Einhorn, "Human urine, Mr. Sellers learned that night seven years ago, is full of the same nutrients that plants need to flourish. It has a lot more, in fact, than Number Two, with almost none of the pathogens."
As Einhorn discusses, the need now for alternatives to traditional fertilizer is an imperative given the war in Ukraine.
Rich Earth Institute is working to update "the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), to include approved practices for urine recycling." The question is, will the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development adopt the UPC code including urine recycling?
Image credit: Hofgemeinschaft Heggelbach as shown in These Farms Are Living a Double Life