NHC makes reporting and calculation changes for 2022 hurricane season

Aggressive, active waves following a hurricane

The National Hurricane Center has made some changes to their products and services for the 2022 hurricane season.

Example of storm surge inundation along east coast of US

Graphical depiction of storm surge inundation values: Perhaps best about the color coding is that NHC uses different colors rather than gradations of one. Different colors makes discerning locations and inundations easier.

Geographic or System Descriptors in the Tropical Weather Outlook: What this means to mere mortals is that NHC will use section headings and paragraph breaks to signal a change in location. In the past, NHC has simply used line breaks and paragraph breaks without text formatting to signal a topic change.

Expansion of Marine Forecast Zones: This changes makes it easier for mariners to find the information they need.

Annual update to the track forecast error cone: The cone will be a little smaller than it was in 2021. The biggest change is for the 96-hour projection, with a reduction of six nautical miles.

Learn more about the changes; read Update on National Hurricane Center Products and Services for 2022 (PDF).


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