The Board of Supervisors is holding a special meeting/public hearing on the proposed FY 2023 (2022-2023) budget Wednesday, June 1 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk St., Montross, VA). Download the agenda.
The Colonial Beach School District's School Board meets Thursday, June 2 at 5:30 pm at the Colonial Beach Town Center (22 Washington Avenue). This is a date change; the meeting had originally been scheduled for June 8.
The Planning Commission meets Monday, June 6 at 1:30 pm at the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk St., Montross, VA). Documents for the meeting should be on the event calendar page closer to the event.
The Board of Supervisors is holding their regular meeting Monday, June 13 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk St., Montross, VA). Watch the meeting on Facebook. Materials for the meeting will be posted on the meeting calendar page.
The Westmoreland County Public Schools' School Board is holding a work session Tuesday, June 14 at 5:00 pm.
The Westmoreland County Public Schools' School Board is holding its regular meeting Monday, June 20 at 6:00 pm. The public may watch the meeting on YouTube: WMLCPS 6/20/22 School Board Meeting.
Events, announcements, programs
The Colonial Beach School District's Summer Meal Program starts Monday, June 6. Children and youth 18 and younger eat for free and parents may join them at $3.50 a meal. Breakfast and lunch are available Monday through Thursday. See the summer meals flyer for details (PDF).
The Colonial Beach School District's SY 2022-2023 calendar is online.
The Northern Neck Master Gardeners Westmoreland Help Desk takes place Mondays from 9:00 am-Noon. Master Gardeners take phone calls and emails and inspect samples brought in by local gardeners and homeowners. Be in touch by emailing the NNMGs or calling (804) 493-8924.