Why Spoonbread Matters by Deb Freeman on Food52 walks readers through the history of this southern food, spoonbread's technical roots in French cooking techniques, and its place in history. All are interesting.
But when read next to Cooking school lunches from scratch can fix labor and supply issues (permanent link, no paywall version of Cooking school lunches from scratch), the contemplation of important historical and culturally-significant food becomes even more profound. For example, on the latter, how are NNK school systems faring when it comes to food provision to students? Specifically, have systems cut back on meals and snacks due to cost, staffing, or supply chain challenges? Are NNK school systems integrating locally-grown food into their offerings? Are local schools marrying culture and food in a regular, on-going way for students, their families, and communities?
These and other questions will be discussed here in the future.