The Colonial Beach Town Council is holding a work session Wednesday, September 8 at 6:00 pm.
In the email announcing the meeting and sharing the packet, Heather H. Oliver, Town Clerk of the Town of Colonial Beach, wrote:
If you are unable to attend would like comments to be read during public comment, please email your comments. We ask that if you attend the meeting to please wear a mask while in attendance. The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube (hopefully with no issues) and audio recorded to be uploaded if needed. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office.
The phone number is (804) 224-7181 should you need to contact the office.
The session agenda includes the following items:
- Emergency Management, Hurricane Preparedness
- Citizen Input (3 minutes allowed, per citizen)
- Burn Notice Discussion
- Resolution #31-21, Accepts VDOF Grant Award (TAB A)
- PUBLIC HEARING, Resolution #32-21, ARPA Overview and Appropriation (TAB B)
- Central Drainage Area-Dewberry Update & Next Steps
- Comprehensive Plan (TAB D)
- Ordinance No. 718, Text Amendments to RC Resort Commercial Zoning District (TAB E)
- Resolution # 34-21, Appropriation of Funds for Trash Truck (TAB F)
- Resolution # 35-21, Appropriation of Funds for Two (2) Police Vehicles (TAB G)
- Closed Meeting (Pursuant to VA code §2.2-3711 A(8) Consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel. VRSA related matter and vacated unimproved land)
- Resolution # 36-21, Approves Contract for Legal Services (TAB H)
The meeting packet (50pp) is online.