Capacity-building tools Tuesday (December 4, 2018)

Tools and Resources

At work

  • Author Julie Zhou writes in The Making of a Manager: a Handbook for New Leaders:
    I’m not an expert manager. Most Friday afternoons I end up thinking of all the ways I wish I’d done better that week for my team — listened better, coached better, directed better, managed my own psyche better. I imagine I'll look back in another ten or twenty years and shake my head at all the things that seem hard today.

    But when Stephanie and Leah, editors extraordinaire from Penguin reached out to me about the idea of writing a book, they helped me realize something: that for a certain segment of managers — namely people thinking about management, or new to it, or still navigating their way to confidence in their first few years — the fact that I’m not an expert and still remember very clearly what it’s like to grapple with questions like "what’s the best way to deliver bad news?" or "how can I make my meetings suck less?" or "how can I improve my relationship with my report?" gave me half the reason that I should write this book now.
    So maybe plan on buying copies for all your managers, supervisors, volunteer leaders, and others this March. (h/t swissmiss)
  • LinkedIn Unveils its New LinkedIn Pages, with Updated Sharing Options and Improved Management Tools (Social Media Today via Nonprofit Tech for Good)

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