Tools and Resources
- Storytelling Tactics: Using Testimonials and Anecdotes to Drive Engagement: Use These Strategies in Your Messaging to Boost Credibility and Evoke Emotion (Action Graphics)
- Canva 2.0 is here! Features: faster editing with more reliability, publishing directly to a variety of platforms (LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Slack, and more), search capability for templates, website creation, and much more.
- Year-End Nonprofit Fundraising Checklist (Idealware)
- Instant Gratification: Young Entrepreneurs Need Patience with a link to This Is Why You Don't Succeed - Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation (video)
- Running an online contest for your nonprofit: checklist of tips for success (Nonprofit MarCommunity)
At work
- Adam Grant, in October newsletter:
Things I wish leaders would stop saying:
"People are the most valuable asset in our company."
No, people *are* your company. - When No One Retires (HBR)
- Alternatives for the word "poverty": Read and contribute alternatives (r/nonprofit)
- The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain is a must-read and must-bookmark. Why the latter? Speaking for myself, I simply cannot get all the info in one read. (The Atlantic)
- How to be an All Star Employee
Learn something
- Stanford Social Innovation Review offers the free webinar Trust in Media is at an All-Time Low: What Nonprofits, Funders, & Organizations Can Do Wednesday, November 14 at 2:00 pm promises interactivity and real-world examples. The webinar will consider the factors that are contributing to declining trust in media, the importance of data and research in driving solution-building, data-driven approaches to restore trust in media and address the spread of misinformation, and most importantly, opportunities for nonprofits, funders, startups, and others to support problem-solving. Registrants can watch the day of the event and on-demand for 12 months. Registrants can also download the slides.
- Build an Inclusive Culture with Minimal Resources, November 15
- Make the Ask: How to Write a Fundraising Letter (Nonprofit Hub)
- 10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview (The Cut)
Good reads
- How Dad’s Stresses Get Passed Along to Offspring (Scientific American)
- The biggest pandemic risk? Viral misinformation (Nature)
- Bank on morality (Washington University in St. Louis)
- How to avoid raising a materialistic child (University of Illinois)
- Scientists have estimated the cost of stopping 11 diseases that could kill millions in a pandemic (Vox)
- New study shows expanding Medicaid improves access to care for low-income adults (Coalition on Human Needs)
- E-cigarettes and a new threat: How to dispose of them
- Who Are the Most Trustworthy? The Guilt Prone (Knowledge @ Wharton)