Capacity-building tools Tuesday (September 25, 2018)

Tools and Resources

At work

  • unpaywall "harvests Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use." Huh? Institutions and individuals who need access to research can use unpaywall to find and access studies. Using unpaywall saves time and energy. The organization has several standing user guides and will work with you to manage your research needs should these guides not be sufficient. (Psst: There's a user guide for libraries).
  • In addition to being a good reminder, "Fresh Perspectives" — Strange bedfellows, effective partners in public health author Karen Remley, MD offers specifics to being an effective partner. Read and share.

Learn something

  • Join Bill and Melinda Gates Wednesday, September 26 for a live Goalkeepers event on Facebook and YoutTube. The Gates' and others will discuss progress on global health, equality, and development and "celebrate and inspire a new generation of young advocates who work on behalf of these causes." Be sure to read the report as well.
  • Fewer Americans are giving money to charity but total donations are at record levels anyway begins
    Following years of steady growth that has tracked the performance of a generally healthy economy, U.S. charitable giving has reached an all-time high at a time when the share of Americans who make donations is falling.
  • Public Webinar: Social Media Rules for 501(c)(3) Organizations, October 30: What you will learn during this Bolder Advocacy webinar: How your nonprofit can take advantage of social media, while still staying in compliance with laws that regulate advocacy, wow to treat social media and other communications in the context of lobbying limits for 501(c)(3) organizations, and how 501(c)(3) organizations can avoid campaign intervention in an election year. ($35)

Good reads