Tools and Resources
- Bridging the Donor Generation Gap Infographic is an easy-to-read-and-understand way to make sense of the diffs.
- The 2018 Communications Trends to Watch starts a conversation about trends. It is not the definitive list of trends. Author Jessica Scadron asks readers to share other trends on Twitter @jesscadron. (Socialbrite)
- 32 lessons from this year's Do Lectures includes gems such as "take a long-term view of the change you want to make - how would that change the way you do things?" and "don’t settle - challenge, change, experiment." (via Swiss Miss)
- The Top 17 Nonprofit Accounting Software Tools (Wild Apricot)
- Creating a Social Media Content Calendar by Jayne Corso
- If You’re Making a Difference,You Have Stories to Tell (Ann Green's Nonprofit Blog)
- Blackbaud has put together a slide presentation for nonprofit boards on peer-to-peer fundraising. Get the deck.
Great list from guru @JuliaCSocial! Any tools you can't live without? #nonprofit #marketing #association
— Wild Apricot (@WildApricot) August 24, 2018
At work
- Are There Too Many Nonprofits in America? (Nonprofit Hub)
- Community Builders Facebook group is for those working with or building communities anywhere in the world. "Before requesting to join please read about our purpose, values and guidelines on the one page summary at . ."
- Apply to be an Obama Foundation Fellow. The deadline is September 18.
- Truth or Lies? How a Question Is Phrased Can Make a Big Difference (Knowledge@Wharton)
Learn something
- It's a Peer to Peer World Virtual Conference 9/18/2018 is one day full of five free webinars. According to the sponsors,
You'll learn how to uncover new sponsorship funding, connect participants with your cause, turbocharge your fundraising activation rate, recognize participants for their work, and choose the right peer-to-peer fundraising platform for your organization.
- Read A Beginner's Guide: Communities of Practice by Tamarack if you've heard the phrase but are not sure what it means. Lots of fields and communities have a CoP. One example is A new home for the federal plain language community explains how and why it's a CoP. Another example is science education. The Association of Science-Technology Centers supports CoPs, writing
ASTC is committed to a Communities of Practice approach to growing the field of informal science education, with the goal of supporting sustained and impactful professional development that has field-wide impact.
Good reads
- From #MeToo to #HowIWillChange, Men Can Prevent Abuse
- Someone clever once said Women were not allowed pockets (The Pudding)
- Why We Need a Summit on Youth Urban Road Safety (TheCityFix)
- Ghost peppers are saving U.S. grasslands—by scaring off hungry mice (Science)
- AI Is the Future—But Where Are the Women? (Wired)