ICYMI: Public could pay $10 million for redistricting lawsuits

AP journo Alan Suderman (@AlanSuderman on Twitter) recently wrote Public could pay $10 million for redistricting lawsuits. The highlights:
The state has already paid more than $6 million in legal fees related to the cases, state officials said. Of that, the GOP-led House of Delegates has paid lawyers about $4.5 million defending the map lawmakers drew in 2011 for state legislative and congressional districts.

Those have drawn three legal challenges alleging racial or political gerrymandering: two at a federal level, one at the state.

Last month, a federal court ordered Virginia lawmakers to redraw the state’s electoral map after finding that lawmakers had illegally packed black voters into certain districts to make surrounding districts whiter and more Republican. GOP lawmakers are currently appealing that decision.

And let's not forget the Republicans blame the Democrats and vice versa.

Want to learn the details about the latest redistricting in the Commonwealth of Virginia? The state legislature has this cool redistricting website with an interactive map, court orders, and lots more. (Note: Microsoft Siverlight is required to use the interactive map)

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