TA Tuesday (May 8, 2018)

Tools and Resources

  • Need to share a generate a share-this-on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ link? Try Share Link Generator and SEO Century's Share Link Generator which can generate links for LinkedIn and Pinterst, too. Code Beautify's generator creates links for even more platforms (see image to the right).
  • Did you know there are a bunch of ways to embed Tweets? Check out Twitter Publish.
  • If you need to sign people up to volunteer or perform various tasks, try out VolunteerSignup and TimeToSignUp.
  • TED Topics is a useful way to navigate this massive site. Scroll through the alphabetically arranged topics until you find one you like.
  • The Business Case for Racial Equity: A Strategy for Growth (PDF) highlights
    the business case for racial equity — stressing the importance of racial equity as both an imperative for social justice and a strategy for economic growth. As advancing racial equity requires the work of many stakeholders, they hope that the information in this report will be meaningful, useful, and actionable for leaders, change agents, and influencers in businesses, communities, and institutions around the country.

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Good reads