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TA Tuesday (May 15, 2018)
Tools and Resources
- What can your organization learn about communications and fundraising from the 2018 Global NGO Technology Report? The authors write in 10 Most Effective Communication and Fundraising Tools, According to Nonprofits, report survey respondents
were asked to rate the effectiveness of the most commonly used communication and fundraising tools. Their answers provide valuable insight into which tools NPOs, NGOs, and charities should prioritize in their communications and fundraising strategy.
10 Most Effective Tools
1) Email updates: 82%
2) Websites: 81%
3) Social media: 78%
4) Video: 72%
5) Email fundraising appeals: 64%
6) Print annual reports: 62%
7) Social media ads: 61%
8) Print fundraising appeals: 60%
9) Peer-to-peer fundraising: 56%
10) Print newsletters: 54%
4 Least Effective Tools
1) Text-to-give: 27%
2) Text messaging: 33%
3) Messaging apps: 35%
4) Search engine ads: 49%
- There is so much to learn from The Next Generation: of American Giving The Charitable Habits of Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Matures, not sure where to begin. How about with some key findings:
- Fewer Americans give, so understanding and retaining the donors you have is more important than ever
- Giving is distributed across more channels than ever before
- Baby Boomers remain the most generous generation, and the number of Boomers saying they give is increasing
- Generation X is on deck…and there are way more Gen X-ers than you think
- Need some help with design or your website? Check out' Directory of tools and resources for illustrators. Sure, the majority of tools are for professional illustrators, but there are several useful tools for the rest of us. I'll be using TinyPNG.
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