Lancaster County
- Irvington accepts planners' resignations (Rappahannock Record)
- Lancaster school board adjusts budget (Rappahannock Record)
- Incumbents dominate town elections (Rappahannock Record)
Richmond County
Richmond County, recycle tires Saturday, May 12, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at Indianfield Convenience Center, 135 Recycling Rd, Warsaw. The 411:
- Only tractor trailer size or smaller tires accepted.
- All tires must be CLEAN and free of mud, trash, or debris!
- Open to residential, business, and farm operations in Richmond County.
- NO commercial tire companies please!
In other news,
- Election Results For Warsaw And Tappahannock (MiddleneckNews)
Westmoreland County
- Montross water bills to rise (Westmoreland News)
- A continuing crisis around the Northern Neck (Northumberland Echo)