Lancaster County
- The Town of Kilmarnock has a vacancy on the Planning Commission and is asking interested county residents to apply.
Applicants should be qualified by knowledge and experience to make decisions on questions of town growth, comprehensive planning, ordinances, and development. The Kilmarnock Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of the month at 7pm. If you wish to serve your community by becoming a member, Click for the Board Committee Commission Application to the Town Hall, c/o Marshall A. Sebra, Planning Director, P.O. Box 1357, Kilmarnock, VA 22482, or by email: For more information, call 435-1552 ext.32. Applications can be found online at or may be picked up at the Town Hall.
- The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors is holding a regular meeting Thursday, May 31 at 7:00 pm at the Lancaster County Administration Building. The agenda includes the regular public input session, presentation of resolutions, a public hearing on the Secondary Six Year Plan, consideration of the FY 2019 budget, and an update from the Broadband Committee.
- The White Stone Business Association will meet Thursday, June 7 at 5:30 pm at Town Hall.
- Public is mum on Kilmarnock’s $4.8 million budget (Rappahannock Record)
Northumberland County
- The Northumberland County Wetlands Board meets Tuesday, June 12 at 7:00 pm (PDF) at the Old Courthouse (Heathsville, in the Board of Supervisors Room). The board
will consider the following application for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits:
- Request by H. Clifton Ames, III (V.M.R.C. #18-0743) to install 45 linear feet of riprap revetment and to install 120 linear feet of marsh toe stabilization along the shoreline of Whays Creek and 94 Cherry Tree Lane.
- Request by Lloyd Dietrich (V.M.R.C. #18-0792) to install 200 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Indian Creek and 150 Tuckahoe Drive in Indian Creek Estates Subdivision.
- Request by Quinzhong Hao (V.M.R.C. #18-0749) to install 80 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Reason Creek and 118 Twin Cedar Lane.
- Request by Northern Neck Recreation, LLC (V.M.R.C. #17-0642) for an after-the-fact permit to allow three (3) 48’ concrete groins from the shoreline of the Potomac River and Tax Map Parcel #20-B1(1)-21-A in Northumberland Plantation.
- Request by Northern Neck Recreation, LLC (V.M.R.C. #18-0487) to remove, construct and expand a community pier from the shoreline of Flag Pond and Tax Map Parcel #20-B1(1)-A-4 off Brammer Drive in Northumberland Plantation.
- Request by Donald H. Taylor, Jr. (V.M.R.C. #18-0785) to install 44 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Lodge Creek and 559 Melrose Road.
- Request by Jason and Susan Williamson (V.M.R.C. #18-0801) to install 169 linear feet of riprap revetment and remove three (3) deteriorated timber groins and replace with two (2) 50’ timber groins each 32’ from MHW along and from the shoreline of the Yeocomico River and 385 Barn Point Road.
- The Northumberland County Board of Zoning Appeals has published a Notice of Public Hearing (PDF) for Tuesday, June 5.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 22, 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors room in the old Courthouse at 72 Monument Place in Heathsville in order to consider the following request.
- Request by Joseph & Kathleen Gibbons, owners, for a variance to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 148-49; to allow an existing garage less than the required 60 feet from the center line of the street right-of-way. The property is located on Tax Map Parcel # 44-A(1)1-3 at 1581 Sandy Point Road.
- The Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the FY 2019 proposed budget Thursday, June 7. It will be held at the new courthouse in Heathsville. Time to be announced.
- Join 'Project Clean Stream' with RFM, Sat. June 2:
Join Reedville Fishermen's Museum on Saturday, June 2, 2018, for "Project Clean Stream" from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Grab family and friends and team-up to clean our streams, gullies, roadsides and the local shoreline on the 30th Annual "Clean the Bay Day" (which also kicks off Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week). (Northumberland Association for Progressive Stewardship)
- Commission completes work on proposed solar farm regs (Rappahannock Record)
Richmond County
- The Richmond County Public Library Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday, June 12 from 4:00-5:00 pm at the library. The meeting is open to the public.
- Landslide at Fones Cliffs caused by inadequate erosion controls (Friends of the Rappahannock)
Richmond County Responds to Recent Picture of Cliffside Erosion at Proposed Virginia True Development (Friends of the Rappahannock)
Westmoreland County
- Colonial Beach Public Schools has several instructional and administrative employment opportunities.
- The Cooper Branch Library is closed Saturday, June 9 for the Potomac Festival Parade.
- NFL star, Torrey Smith, converses with Town Manager regarding details of new park (Westmoreland News)
- Just how big a problem do lost crab pots pose in Chesapeake Bay? (
- Carter’s Creek Oyster Reef Restoration Tour
- Survey Shows Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Population Healthy:
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released the results of the 2018 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey, which shows that the population of blue crabs remains healthy and sustainable.
While this year's cold weather and ice cover took a toll on the adult crab population, causing an estimated 35 percent mortality of adult females wintering in state waters, the number of young crabs that returned to Chesapeake Bay this year increased 34 percent. Blue crabs spend the first part of their lives in the Atlantic Ocean before returning to the bay to grow and mature.
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