Tools and Resources
- PNG, GIF, or JPEG? Which is the Best Image Format for Email?. This. Explains. So. Much. (Litmus)
- Biteable's Best Explainer Videos offers real-life examples, easy-to-understand advice, and step-by-step instructions for making a killer video explaining your organization or an issue you are working on.
- If you or someone in your organization is responsible for printed or electronic images and you are not a professional designer, this may be of interest: Why Every Marketer in 2018 Needs to Be a (Part-Time) Designer: 52 Design Terms and Tips to Level-Up. (Buffer)
At work
- The Nonprofit Leadership Workbook for Women includes the topics developing your skill set, getting a mentor, and establishing a network. (Donor Perfect)
- Making Meetings Matter lays out what meeting leaders and attendees should do. Quite the lists. (AEA365)
Learn something
- Nonprofit Budgeting: Making Money Go Further (Nonprofit Hub)
- The best of the webinars April 3-15 on Wild Apricot's 39 Free Nonprofit Webinars for April 2018: Introduction to Project Budgets (April 4), How to Read and Understand Financial Statements (April 5), and Why Build Relationships with Grantmakers? (April 12).
Good reads
- The Key to Good Luck Is an Open Mind (Nautilus)
- The Tyranny of Convenience by Tim Wu, recommended by Adam Grant. (New York Times)
- People Don't Actually Know Themselves Very Well by Adam Grant. (The Atlantic)
- Take a few minutes to read The Gondola Maker and watch the video, which is just beautiful. (Hakai Magazine)