TA Tuesday (February 13, 2018)

Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.

Tools and Resources

  • Engage your community in water conservation and improved water quality by connecting with the River Network's Project Rain Barrel. When you partner, you will receive free "materials, guidance, and promotion to host public rain barrel making workshops. Rain barrels help recharge rivers and aquifers while reducing demand for treated tap and saving money on water bills, limiting stormwater runoff, storing water for use during droughts, and controlling erosion."
  • As if there were not enough in 2017, there are 157 new emojis in 2018.
  • Looking for greater diversity in stock photos? Jopwell has what you're looking for. Jopwell photos show Blacks, Latinos/Hispanics, and Native Americans in work environments. Images are free to use with credit to Jopwell.
  • Need a personalized typeface? Calligraphr.com should be your first stop. There are free and paid versions and the paid is spectacular: there's no annual plan. Basically, it's pay as you go. Either way, you supply the handwriting samples and Calligraphr.com does the work.
  • AnyImage creates clickable images for social media. Watch the video (right) for a short tute. Free.
  • The Top 10 Sites for Free eCards is way better than a simple list. It includes services such as Fleeting Greetings and somecards which are social media friendly.
  • Building Collaborative Readiness: Mapping Community Resources is full of advice and resources to make your community mapping project successful.

At work

Learn something

  • Harnessing Pop Culture for Social Change, February 27, 2:00 pm: Join this free webinar from The Communications Network and learn
    • Why it's important to monitor the pop culture conversations around the issues you care about, and how you can do that
    • How to join those conversations and use them as an opportunity to elevate and advance the issues you’re working on
  • Transforming Conservation through Technology, Thursday, February 22, 2:00 pm: This free Chesapeake Conservancy webinar will introduce those working in conservation to the new land cover classification to make better, more effective and efficient decisions to achieve better results.
  • Want to take an online course but not sure how to choose the right one? Go to Courseroot. There you can search by cost, difficulty, popularity, and more. (h/t Robin Good)
  • Strengthen Your Poverty Reduction Work: Engaging with the Health Sector, February 13, 1:00 pm: Free.

Good reads