Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.
Tools and Resources
- Visit to easily find and copy special characters. Freely download letters, numbers, arrows (examples to the right), emoji, currency, and more. This looks much easier to use than the Microsoft special characters feature.
- Canva's Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing provides a basic overview of typography elements and types and 30 typeface pairings grouped by function—think resume, invitations, and reports.
- Look no further than Sound Collection for audio for your Facebook and Instagram videos. The collection has something for everyone: "songs, vocals, noises, and instrumental tracks spanning genres like hip hop, pop, jazz, country, and more." (Introducing Sound Collection)
- 15 Amazing Tips from the Best Visual Marketing Experts is full of useful tips. And yes, there are numbered lists. But no, it's not clickbait.
At work
- Asian American Journalists Association president Yvonne Leow, participating in the Neiman Lab's 2018 journalism predictions, suggests that video messaging will be hot in 2018. As journalists consider how video messaging can be incorporated, so too should nonprofits and governments.
- Charities fear tax bill could turn philanthropy into a pursuit only for the rich.
- How to Be an Excellent (or at Least Pretty Good) Listener.
- 8 Tips To Get Your Boss To Trust You. Staff, managers, and board members should read.
Learn something
- The Public Affairs Council's The Advocacy Conference takes place February 5-8, 2018 in Orlando, FL. The four learning tracks are Grassroots, Communications, Strategy, and Core Designation (the basics).
- Making the Connection: Climate Changes Health is a four-part series by the American Public Health Association and ecoAmerica. The series investigated "the health impacts of climate change. The series explores the connection between climate change and key areas of our health: allergies and asthma; health risks in children; mental health; and transportation and healthy community design as a mitigation approach." It took place in 2016; watch the recorded webinars for free.
- Where to Find Free Training and Support for Nonprofit Professionals has suggestions for webinars, blogs, online courses and tutorials, among other sources. Read. Bookmark. Share.
Good reads
- There's a lot to learn from Automakers: Don't Ask Customers What They Want and the comments on Hacker News.
- Why Aren't Fashion 'Disruptors' Serving Plus-Size Customers? asks some good questions. The answers are troubling.
- Esquire's The 50 Best Books of 2017.