TA Tuesday (January 16, 2018)

Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.

Tools and Resources

  • Infographicreator.com offers a free version (with their logo at the bottom and for online viewing only).
  • Take a look at Nonprofit Tech for Good's 2018 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar if you do fundraising. (image from Nonprofit Tech for Good)
  • Need data from a website? Try Listly. It scrapes structured data from the web and converts from HTML to Excel. The free version allows users to scrape 10 pages per month. Paid subscriptions start at $1.99/month.
  • LightBox Collaborative's Evergreen Editorial Calendar is a must-bookmark and use. Better: Download and personalize for your organization. Can be used for many things including advocacy and fundraising.
  • There's a terrific discussion on Hacker News: Hacker News equivalent for other fields. I love Hacker News, techie or not. I'll definitely use this list to expand my information sources.

At work

Learn something

  • Here's the Wild Apricot list of free webinars: 37 Free Nonprofit Webinars for January 2018. Some that look particularly, from the second half of the month: Bridging the Gap - Staying Productive Inbetween Development Directors (January 18), Where Do I Go From Here? Engage Volunteers in New Ways (January 24), and Inspire Your Board to Give and Get (January 25).
  • Nonprofits and others can learn from I’ve Sent Out 1,018 Open Records Requests, and This Is What I’ve Learned. Harvard's Shorenstein Center summarizes:
    Sandhya Kambhampati, a data reporter at ProPublica, explains what she learned from sending more than 1,000 open records requests to governments in Illinois. One helpful tip: Ask for other people's Freedom of Information Act requests. "If you know what records have already been granted, you can request the same records and not have to wait months for your data. So ask for the agency's FOIA logs," she writes.

Good reads