Joseph South tells the story of his son's birthday cake. Not just any cake, a narwhal cake. And not just any narwhal cake, a cake shaped like a narwhal. South continues,
As an education expert, South focuses on what happens in schools and classrooms to nurture interest, focus, and persistence in students. But remember, there's also much which can be done at home. Food for thought for all who interact with children and youth.
I don't know where his sense of purpose comes from. But it permeates everything he does. He knows what clothing combinations he wants to wear to school. He knows he wants to decorate his Valentine's box with wolves. He knows that he wants to spend his Saturday morning creating an alpine landscape out of papier-mâché. He knows he wants to read Moby Dick over fall break. Yes, Moby Dick. We couldn't talk him out of it. He is on page 108.South writes about his son in the introduction to MIA in School: Instilling a Sense of Purpose in Students to set up the remainder of his opinion piece to talk about purpose in childhood and success in later life.
As an education expert, South focuses on what happens in schools and classrooms to nurture interest, focus, and persistence in students. But remember, there's also much which can be done at home. Food for thought for all who interact with children and youth.