Selected items from December 11 and November 13 Virginia Register of Regulations

December 11, 2017

Implementation of the Profile of a Virginia Graduate: These are final regulations.

November 13, 2017

Establishment of a general permit authorizing and encouraging the use of living shorelines as the preferred alternative for stabilizing tidal shorelines: The purpose of the general permit
is to provide a streamlined permitting process as an incentive to encourage property owners to utilize a living shoreline approach as appropriate, manage shoreline erosion, and promote the planting and growth of tidal wetland vegetation, sand dunes, and beaches to restore or enhance ecosystem services. The techniques and conditions contained in this general permit are designed to limit the applicability of the permit to situations where the projects are most likely to be successful, so as to limit the potential for adverse impacts on the environment and adjoining or nearby properties.

These final regulations went into effect November 1, 2017.