Volunteers needed for waterways cleanup October 22

The Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District and Friends of the Rappahannock are holding a waterways cleanup in Richmond County Sunday, October 22, 1:00-3:00 pm at Carters Wharf Landing. There is still time to sign up to volunteer! To register, email or call ((804) 313-9102, x 101) Kathy Clarke. The deadline to register is Friday, October 20.

Why help? Why is the cleanup important? According to the press release (below),
Invite your friends and family to join you for the afternoon – not only does this serve as a great group outdoor activity, but your donations of time and energy contribute towards significant improvements in the Northern Neck’s land and waterways. Be part of the solution to an unsightly and unhealthy environmental problem in the community —trash in our rivers and on our shores. Removing trash from local waterways not only helps with water quality, it prevents children, pets, farm animals and wildlife from ingesting or otherwise being harmed by plastics, broken glass and other potentially harmful items.

2017 Richmond County Waterways Cleanup Press Release by Susie Cambria on Scribd