TA Tuesday (October 17, 2017)

Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.

Tools and Resources

At work

  • How to get Windows 10 Fall Creators Update delivers the 411 on what you'll get in the October 17 update in addition to the standard security fixes:
    • A "neat new Photos app for all your organization and editing needs. There’s a new feature called Story Remix that makes it a breeze to throw together a few pictures and video clips for those post-vacation slideshows. You can even mix in a song or two if you’re feeling fancy."
    • Paint 3D
    • "Windows can now talk with your Android phone (if you use Microsoft Launcher) so you can start up that memo while you’re on the train, then finish it when you get to the office."
    • "pin your favorite contacts and websites to your taskbar"
  • Updating a website? Starting a blog or microsite? Read Top 5 Fonts and its usage. It helps winnow the options.

Learn something

  • Read The power of the comma.
  • 5 Non-Obvious Things You Can Do to Make Your Resume Stand Out
  • The free webinar Best Practices for Internal Communications: Inspiration for the Nonprofit Sector takes place Tuesday, October 17 at 2:00 pm.
  • Cause Camp 2018 (March 26-27, 2018) is an annual two-day nonprofit conference hosted by Nonprofit Hub in Lincoln, NE and virtually, throughout the world. They don't lecture hour after hour. Rather, they aim to inspire and educate. Learn more and register.
  • The Road to Zero Wealth: How the Racial Wealth Divide is Hollowing Out America's Middle Class and What We Can Do About It takes place Tuesday, October 17 from 2:00-3:30 pm. Can't make this free webinar? Register anyway so you can get the recording via email. This Prosperity Now interactive event will focus on the organizations latest report, The Road to Zero Wealth: How the Racial Wealth Divide is Hollowing Out America's Middle Class and discuss the current state of the racial wealth divide, its future trajectory and what it means for all of us.
  • Enhancing the Resilience of Seniors in Your Community, a free webinar, will take place Wednesday, October 18 from Noon to 1:15 pm.
    This webinar will focus on the safety and well-being of seniors within the context of climate change. Using a participatory adaptation planning process conducted with members of the senior community in Bridgeport Connecticut as a case study, the presentation will describe seniors’ unique characteristics that put them at risk to climate change and will share specific recommendations to enhance their resilience. Additionally, the presentation will discuss the participatory process itself to illustrate an approach for engaging seniors and other vulnerable groups directly in adaptation planning. As part of the presentation, these issues will be considered through a municipal lens with an eye toward safeguarding seniors and other vulnerable groups within the context of city wide emergency preparedness efforts. Throughout, the presentation will balance site-specific insights with broadly applicable frameworks and will illustrate how considerations and techniques may be adapted to differing contexts.

Good reads