TA Tuesday (October 10, 2017)

Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.

Tools and Resources

  • Need a logo for your organization, a new or old project, or yourself? Try DesignEvo. Select from templates or design a custom logo. It's easy and intuitive to use. And it's free.
  • Grammar Girl is my go-to for grammar questions. In addition to the question and answer posts about semicolons, ie versus eg, and using commas before quotations, Grammar Girl covers subjects such as important versus importantly, bad versus badly, expresso versus espresso, and using the correct of similar-sounding phrases.
  • Are you using tech for good? Do you have an app to help your clients? Use Submit.co. Built for startups to get media coverage, it can also be used by governments and nonprofits to tell their success story.

At work

Learn something

Good reads