The Lancaster County Wetlands Board is holding a public hearing Thursday, November 9 at 9:30 am at the Lancaster County Administration Building (8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room). Under consideration are the following matters:
Edward M. Farley, IV and Ashley Farley c/o Bayshore Design, LLC., P.O. Box 339, Kinsale, VA 22488; requests permission to construct a 1,175' linear foot riprap revetment, re-construct a 165' linear foot riprap revetment, refurbish a 200' and 160' linear foot riprap jetty, construct two 20' linear foot retaining walls and construct two 60' linear foot breakwaters with a 35' spur along with associated beach nourishment along the shoreline of the Western Branch of the Corrotoman River. Located off VSH 611 (West Point Road) on Farley Lane. Tax Map # 26-149,149A & 151. VMRC# 17-1562.
Kenneth H. Dawson c/o Roger McKinley, Sr., 691 Mill Point Drive, Heathsville, VA 22473; requests permission to construct a 60' linear foot riprap revetment in front of an existing failing bulkhead along the shoreline of Moran Creek. Located off VSH 688 (James B. Jones) on Black Stump Road. Tax Map # 27-17C. VMRC# 17-1787.
William E. Glover c/o Roger McKinley, Sr., 691 Mill Point Drive, Heathsville, VA 22473; requests permission to construct a 156' linear foot riprap revetment in front of an existing failing bulkhead along the shoreline of Tabbs Creek. Located off VSH 646 (Ocran Road) on Poplar Neck Cove. Tax Map # 35-101. VMRC# 17-1823.
R. Travis Whittle, III c/o Joseph Scott, P.O. Box 315, Kilmarnock, VA 22482; requests permission to construct a 156' linear foot riprap revetment and 10' linear feet of marsh sill channelward of a failed bulkhead along the shoreline of Oyster Creek. Located off VSH 695 (Windmill Point Road). Tax Map# 36-53A. VMRC# 17-1710.
The highlights of the temporary weight limit restriction on the Norris Bridge in Lancaster County:
The weight limit is being lowered temporarily for an estimated 30 days to allow the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to replace two pins in one of the bridge's spans.
The purpose of the rescheduled meeting is to review and to recommend for adoption to the Town Council the Town's Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance. Persons affected may appear and present their views. The proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance is intended to allow for denser development of land within the R-2 Residential District if requested and approved as a rezoning by the Town Planning Commission and Town Council... Copies of the PUD are available for inspection at the Town Hall, located at 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington or on the Town's website
Your input to the Planning Commission, although not binding, is considered important. The Town Office has received several responses as a result of the August 17, 2017 letter announcing the September 5, 2017 meeting, which has been rescheduled. If you have already sent in a response you need not do so again. All previous responses will be considered by the Planning Commission and Town Council. However, if we receive no written response from you, and you do not appear at the meeting, it shall be deemed to indicate you have no objections to the proposed PUD Ordinance. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Irvington Town Office 804-438.6230.
Belle Isle State Park will be closed for a managed hunt from the evening of November 6 through the evening of November 8.
Request by Harbour Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc. (V.M.R.C. #17-1851) to construct five (5) replacement low-profile groins 63 feet from MHW in the same footprint from the shoreline of the Potomac River and Tax Map Parcel #20C-(2)-14A on Witch Duck Lane.
Request by David C. Harrison (V.M.R.C. #17-1842) to construct a low-profile groin 48 feet from MHW from the shoreline of Judith Sound and 255 Judith Sound Road
Request by Bruce W. Looney (V.M.R.C. #17-1663) to install 233 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Dungan Cove and Tax Map Parcel # 3-(3)-11, on Yeocomico View Drive.
Request by Michael Mueller (V.M.R.C. #17-0679) to construct 40 linear feet, including return wall, of bulkhead along the shoreline of Hull Creek and 375 Earls Lane.
Request by Frank S. Royal, et al (V.M.R.C. #17-1657) for an after-the-fact permit for 486 linear feet of timber bulkhead and to install 486 linear feet of armor stone revetment with splash apron channelward of existing bulkhead, to re-enforce two (2) existing 48' groins with armor stone and replace four (4) groins with 48' low-profile armor stone groins along and from the shoreline of the Potomac River and 1, 3, 17, 31 & 51 Shoreline Drive.
Request by Potomac View Cottage, LLC – Thomas Valentine (V.M.R.C. #17-1665) to construct 80 linear feet of marsh sill along the shoreline of Rogers Creek and 383 Rogers Creek Road.
The Northumberland County Treasurer mailed 2017 real estate and personal property tax bills. Learn more in the tax bill notice (PDF).
Northumberland County Emergency Services is accepting applications (application (PDF)) for full-time and part-time EMTs and paramedics. Contact Rick McClure, Chief of Emergency Services, with any questions.
Northumberland County Emergency Services recently took delivery of the county's new ambulance. Learn more in the EMS Facebook post.
The Richmond County Community Policy Management Team is meeting Monday, October 30 at 1:00 pm at the Richmond County Department of Social Services (5579 Richmond Rd, Warsaw in the Agency Board Room). The public is invited to attend.
The Richmond County Board of Supervisors meet Monday, November 6 at 9:00 am at the County Administrative Building (101 Court Circle, Warsaw, Public Meeting Room).
Richmond County's goals (PDF) for 2018 involve financial stewardship, capital assets and improvements, technology, public safety, and overall community well-being.
Richmond County Public Schools has several openings for instructional and support staff.
Westmoreland County
Bay Transit's deviated FIXED ROUTE from Colonial Beach to Tappahannock on Mondays and Wednesdays is available for Westmoreland County residents. The cost is $2.00 and transfers are free. Learn more about the service and schedule a ride by calling the Bay Transit Ride Line, (804) 250-2011.
Colonial Beach Public Schools has several openings for instructional and support staff.
The Colonial Beach School District School Board will meet Wednesday, November 8 at 5:30 pm at the Town Center (315 Douglas Ave, Colonial Beach).
Westmoreland County Public Schools has started using Anonymous Alerts®, an anti-bullying and safety app reporting system helps combat bullying and other negative activity in schools by giving children and youth a safe and anonymous way to speak up. According to the WCPS website, "The system allows for 1-way or 2-way anonymous encrypted communications between submitters (students, parents or community members) and district administration and/or school staff. Users of the system have the option to remain anonymous or to reveal their identity when submitting a report." Submit online suspicious activity, bullying or other student related issues to a school administrator. Or, download the app; it's available in the App Store and Google Play.
The Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District board meets Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30 pm at the Northern Neck Enterprise Center (483 Main St, Warsaw in the Northern Neck Planning District Commission Meeting Room). The meeting is open to the public.