Intent to allow PhD hours to count as supervised practice: The Board of Counseling "intends to consider amending 18VAC115-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Professional Counseling. The purpose of the proposed action is to recognize hours acquired in accredited doctoral programs as meeting a portion of the hours of supervised practice required for licensure." The Board of Counseling will hold a public hearing on the proposed action. Public comments are due October 4, 2017.
Setting standards for serving adults with impairments: The Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services is considering setting
adult services standards for the provision of services provided by the local departments of social services to an adult with impairment. The new regulation will include definitions, the principles inherent in the provision of adult services, the process for client intake and service delivery, the targeted service population, the types of services that may be provided, and eligibility for services. Additional revisions to the regulation content may be proposed based on public comments received.DARS will not hold a public hearing. Public comments are due October 4, 2017.
Final regulations re: the certification of small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses: The Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity issued final regulations to make rules consistent with a change in the law.
The amendments are promulgated as a result of legislation enacted at the 2017 Session of the General Assembly. The amendments (i) extend the small, women-owned, and minority-owned (SWaM) certification period from three years to five years (Chapter 836); (ii) provide that any out-of-state business applying for certification in Virginia as a SWaM business must possess the equivalent certification in its home state as a prerequisite for approval in Virginia and provide that an out-of-state business with a state of origin that does not have a SWaM business certification program is exempt from the requirements of this provision (Chapter 573); and (iii) mandate certification without any additional paperwork of any SWaM business that has obtained certification under any federal SWaM business certification program (Chapter 380).The effective date is October 4, 2017.